Bathing in the street gutter.
Bathing in the creek.
Embarrassment abounds.
All I can say is..."Thank God none of them ever wear WRANGLERS".
Those couches were actually on main street. sigh.
(Hmmm. Bring on the McCoys!)
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow out of this stony rubbish?
It’s just lovely.
I’ve been here babysitting Fergus this July, a Labradoodle Clydesdalegrizzly mix. He’s a dog! A large, exuberant puppy of 5 months. Just picture one of those diminutive playful lapdogs that play keep-away and run and circle and excitedly shake a toy with their head…Fergus is exactly like a baby dog-child, but on elephant scale. He enjoys sprints and we have many (short) races! He gallops! A tail swings can knock everything off a coffee table in one fatal swoop.
He likes to chew anything! Yesterday he brought me a nice packrat which lay entirely in his mouth, only the tail hanging out like a nice piece of wet gray spaghetti (which I pull to see what he has—eek!). Despite his size, he can quickly catch locusts (cicadas) with his large head and eat them in a quick gulp, perhaps solving the upset stomach problem. He seemed very disappointed when the inch-long grasshopper he delicately caught finally escaped.
Shoes. I discovered immediately that you cannot leave them outside the door—nor inside the house down low. Several times I’ve found Fergus with someone’s sandals or my old Adidas; he prefers the left one, and sometimes he tries to remove it while I am still wearing it!
Fergus has a clever ability--while playing 'fetch', he will quickly place his huge salad-plate paw on your foot--a deliberate attempt for him to 'get there first' and detain/refrain your grabbing-at-a-toy skill. Funny dog--it took me a couple days to realize he was not clumsy.
I have some pics of Fergus...we visited the cow pond on one of our many walks-- after a curious bovine moved towards us, brave puppy turned tail and ran--straight into me in an attempt to hide behind my back-- we both tumbled down an embankment! But I really had been looking for a pokeberry plant, so he was forgiven, tee hee! Just like a little kid!