Saturday, August 29, 2009

Almost Rednecks.

Bathing in the street gutter.
Bathing in the creek.

Embarrassment abounds.
All I can say is..."Thank God none of them ever wear WRANGLERS".
Those couches were actually on main street. sigh.

(Hmmm. Bring on the McCoys!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It’s a Dog, a doodle, a horse, a bear!

Didn't realize I hadn't been online in this many weeks, so my news is all old news!

I woke up in the loft on a summer morning of ‘my princess in a castle house’, looking out the surrounding windows of a Flint Hill’s dawn.

It’s just lovely.

I’ve been here babysitting Fergus this July, a Labradoodle Clydesdalegrizzly mix. He’s a dog! A large, exuberant puppy of 5 months. Just picture one of those diminutive playful lapdogs that play keep-away and run and circle and excitedly shake a toy with their head…Fergus is exactly like a baby dog-child, but on elephant scale. He enjoys sprints and we have many (short) races! He gallops! A tail swings can knock everything off a coffee table in one fatal swoop.

He likes to chew anything! Yesterday he brought me a nice packrat which lay entirely in his mouth, only the tail hanging out like a nice piece of wet gray spaghetti (which I pull to see what he has—eek!). Despite his size, he can quickly catch locusts (cicadas) with his large head and eat them in a quick gulp, perhaps solving the upset stomach problem. He seemed very disappointed when the inch-long grasshopper he delicately caught finally escaped.

Shoes. I discovered immediately that you cannot leave them outside the door—nor inside the house down low. Several times I’ve found Fergus with someone’s sandals or my old Adidas; he prefers the left one, and sometimes he tries to remove it while I am still wearing it!

Fergus has a clever ability--while playing 'fetch', he will quickly place his huge salad-plate paw on your foot--a deliberate attempt for him to 'get there first' and detain/refrain your grabbing-at-a-toy skill. Funny dog--it took me a couple days to realize he was not clumsy.

I have some pics of Fergus...we visited the cow pond on one of our many walks-- after a curious bovine moved towards us, brave puppy turned tail and ran--straight into me in an attempt to hide behind my back-- we both tumbled down an embankment! But I really had been looking for a pokeberry plant, so he was forgiven, tee hee! Just like a little kid!