I must also move aside numerous cig packs, skoal cans, tools, little notebooks and other debris in order to see above the dash, + watch out for any falling obstacles that could roll under the gas pedal or brake--its a hazardous job! Skinny Farmer Guy bought me a beer last night for this previous favor, so now he owes me another. [Since I was busy talking to him downtown, this saved me from the youngster "BeBe" trying to pick me up. BeBe may not mind that he is 11 years younger, but I do!]
We traveled through a few gates and across a couple narrowly-petrifying low-water crossings, before arriving at the spot with the disc. A really weird vine had tried to pull the tractor off the road like a devious sinuous anaconda and we yanked it away--bizarre prickly seed pods I wouldn't want to step on barefoot! Then we drove out to a field overtaken by lespedeza-- a terrible plant that is actually pretty. We looked at cut corn, (I observed flowering weeds!), pokeberries, elderberries ripening, and then at a major plum thicket still loaded with 2 different types; the purple ones were already over. I got back home 3 1/2 hours later!

Back at the plum thicket after lunch, I took a huge canning kettle and some smaller buckets but decided it was horrific to push one's way through the brush (I really tried) and didn't want to look like I'd been hit by shrapnel later with nasty scratches and gouges. Sniper-crawling UNDER the brush amongst the poison ivy was much easier (please don't let a vehicle drive by right now, please!) so I lay underneath and reached up to shake the trees. Wow! So ripe they fell like rain! Much easier and faster-- I think I got 9 small pails of ripe, wormless, pretty red/yellow plums. Looks like the yellow ones will be ready next week! I still felt like all my hair was ripped off my head in a frizzy aura, and tore the sleeves and back of an old flannel shirt...not a crazy bag-lady-- a crazy bucket-lady!

Check out the home--made plum jam and the "Skinny Farmer Guy Pott County Sand-hill Plum/Pepper Jam" I made that evening. No wonder I'm not getting much else done!
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